Soulful Sobriety- 6 Month One on One Private Coaching Program (Payment Plan)


Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Payment Plan Option

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Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Payment Plan Option

Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Payment Plan Option


Soulful Sobriety Sessions (3 per month)


Exclusive live virtual sessions with Chris where you'll gain valuable insights and strategies for embracing self-discovery on your path to freedom. Our recorded lessons allow you to revisit the material at your own pace, ensuring you have the resources and knowledge you need to maintain long-term sobriety.


- Gain valuable insights and strategies for navigating the challenges of sobriety

- Access to recorded lessons for convenient and flexible learning

- Revisit lessons at any time to reinforce your knowledge and understanding

Bi-Weekly Q&A Sessions


Engage in our weekly Q&A sessions to get personalized guidance and answers to your burning questions. Chris is committed to supporting you on your journey and providing the guidance you need to overcome any obstacles that may arise.


- Get personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific needs

- Have your questions answered by Chris who understands the challenges of early recovery

- Feel supported and empowered to overcome any obstacles that may arise

Lifetime Social Circle


Join our exclusive social media group where you'll connect with like-minded individuals who are also on the path to sobriety. This lifetime community provides a safe and supportive space to share your experiences, seek advice, and build meaningful connections that will last long after the program ends.


- Connect with a supportive community of individuals who can relate to your journey

- Share your experiences, challenges, and successes in a safe and non-judgmental space

- Build lasting connections and friendships with like-minded individuals who understand and support your goals

Personalized Guidance & Support


Receive personalized support through email and 1:1 calls throughout the entire program duration. Chris & his team will be with you every step of the way, offering guidance, accountability, and encouragement to help you stay on track and achieve your sobriety goals.


- Receive personalized support tailored to your unique needs and challenges

- Gain accountability and motivation to stay on track with your sobriety goals

- Feel supported and guided by experienced coaches who understand the complexities of the recovery journey

Effortless Experience


We take care of everything for you, so you can focus solely on your sobriety journey. No software or additional resources needed - we provide all the tools, including self-reflection worksheets, visualization exercises, meditation guidance, and breathwork instruction, to support your self-discovery and personal growth.


- Experience a seamless and hassle-free journey to sobriety and personal growth

- Access all the necessary tools and resources to support your self-discovery and healing

- Save time and effort by having everything you need conveniently provided to you


Visualizing Your Limitless Life Breathwork Journey


This guided visualization breathwork journey will take you on transformative journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. Immerse yourself in these guided visualizations to tap into your inner wisdom, overcome challenges, and manifest your desires. Experience the power of visualization on your journey to sobriety.


- Tap into your inner wisdom and gain insights through guided visualizations.

- Overcome challenges and develop resilience through visualization.

- Manifest your desires and create positive change in your life.

Life Purpose Coaching Session


Gain clarity on your life purpose and create a roadmap for a purposeful life. This coaching session will guide you in identifying your passions, strengths, and values, helping you align them with meaningful goals. Discover your life purpose and unlock your true potential on the journey to sobriety.


- Gain clarity on your life purpose and create a vision for your future.

- Identify your passions, strengths, and values for a purposeful life.

- Unlock your true potential and live a fulfilling life aligned with your authentic self.

Emotional Healing Toolbox


Understanding and addressing the underlying emotional issues is essential for lasting recovery. This toolbox provides therapeutic techniques, self-reflection exercises, and resources for emotional healing. With this toolbox, you'll develop self-awareness, heal from past traumas, and learn healthier coping mechanisms.


- Explore and process underlying emotional issues in a safe environment.

- Practice self-reflection and self-compassion for emotional healing.

- Emotional Release Technique with Chris throughout the program.