Breathe Into Fulfillment:

The Freedom Effect

Breathe | Relax | Grow | Expand

A Program By: Chris M Parker

Transformational Coach & Breath Instructor

This program is a 1 year long transformational system that takes you from a state of high stress, anxiety, and low energy to a state of relaxation, deep fulfillment, renewed energy, and new inspiration.

A SOMA breathwork practice is the mechanism used for rapid self connection, relaxation, and introspection. In tandem with the breathwork practice, powerful one on one coaching sessions with Chris are held where he provides a safe judgement free space for exploration of each component of the system.

Want to Find Relaxation, Balanced Fulfillment, and New Inspiration? Here’s how…

Have you ever wanted to boost your energy, fulfillment, and inspiration but you have no idea where to start or who to talk to about it?

If so, you aren’t alone.

I have been where you are. After creating a successful startup company and building a brand for 3 years, I found myself experiencing business success, but feeling like there had to be more to my life than just that one focus.

I had no balance in my life and nobody to talk to about it because I would have to admit to my loved ones and colleagues that I felt I was missing something. In turn, they would wonder why I was unfulfilled with what they were providing.  

The problem with seeking balanced fulfillment as someone in a position of power is the ability to rationalize, put off, and rest in the fact that they have their business life to focus on.  

Makes sense, right?

They might say to themselves, “I will just get this project done or product launched then focus on myself.”

What ends up happening is the days, weeks, months, and even years stack up with stress, anxiety, fatigue, and strained relationships due to showing up with only a small percentage of their energy to all life situations, including their business.

Luckily, I’ve discovered the solution to this problem….

To get renewed energy, balanced fulfillment, and new inspiration without blowing up your life and meditating on a mountain you need to:

● Reduce stress and relax with a Soma Breathwork Practice

● Move through my transformational coaching system for deeper fulfillment, freedom, and inspiration

Implementing a breathwork practice with very little time commitment every day is the key to unlocking next level freedom. Breaking free from meta programs, reducing stress, and creating heart coherence lays the groundwork for new energized motivation, inspiration, and work-life balance.

Now obviously, that’s easier said than done, right?

You can’t just breathe unconsciously and change your entire outlook and perspective without causing major disruption to the things that are working well.

That’s why I’ve created this coaching system.

Breathe into Fulfillment: The Freedom Effect.

If you’d like, let’s hop on a quick phone call together to see if my coaching system is right for you.

During that call, we’ll look at putting together a plan for you to begin to explore a boost in energy, relaxation, fulfillment, and new inspiration. We will look at what your best next steps would be if you decide to pursue this strategy.

Spots are limited, and there’s zero obligation to work with me, but if we do end up being a fit, I’ll invite you to become a private client of mine and we can embark on your journey together. Look forward to speaking with you!

Even if you don’t book a call, I sincerely wish you well on your path!


Much Love,

Chris M Parker

Husband & Father | Transformational Coach | Breathwork & Meditation Instructor

What Makes this Program Different?

This system combines many different modalities in a 1 year system.

System Components

  • SOMA Breathwork Practice

    All you have to do is press play with headphones on, breathe in beats, connect to yourself, and relax. You will practice ancient pranayama breathing techniques with a modern twist to activate your inner pharmacy.

  • One on One Coaching

    Chris provides a safe place during these sessions for self exploration, release, growth, and transformation. You will find deep listening and support in abundance as you walk your path in this system.

  • SOMA Breath Therapy Protocol

    During 4-6 weeks of system, you will focus on whole being wellness. After and energy assessment, a protocol is prescribed which includes: breathing, visioning, sleep, dietary recommendations, movement, and stretching.

  • Emotional Release

    This powerful technique is used in the one on one sessions. As emotional blocks, patterns, addictions, and habits that no loger serve you are identified, Chris will lead you through a process to release them. Then you will fill that space with new patterns that serve you.

What are clients saying…

One Year System Steps

  • Month 1- Rest & Relax


    -SOMA Practice Introduction

    -Self Connection

    -Anxiety & Stress Relief

  • Month 2- Reevaluate

    -Time Assessment

    -Take Back Control

    -Average Perfect Day Visioning

    -Anxiety & Stress Relief

  • Month 3- Restore Balance

    -Forgiveness to Yourself

    -Forgiveness to Others

    -The Power of Gratitude & Appreciation

  • Month 4- Release #1

    -Acknowledge, accept, and release patterns, addictions, and tendencies that are no longer serving you.

    -Emotional Release

  • Month 5- Release #2

    -Continuation of Week 3

    -Fear Assessment & Release

    -Integration Week

  • Month 6- Reinvigorate

    -Pattern Disruption

    -Patten Replacement

    -Passion, Excitement, & Purpose Visioning

  • Month 7- Receive

    -Get to know your inner guidance system.

    -Practice openess to receive, acknowledge, and act on new inspiration.

  • Month 8- Relationships Reconnected/Redesigned #1

    -Evaluation of Family Relationships

    -Evaluation of Work Relationships

    -Release of Toxic Relationships

    -Make a choice whether or not to reconnect with strained relationships.


  • Month 9- Relationships Reconnected/Redesigned #2

    -Integration of Relationships #1

    -SOMA Breath Therapy Protocol Introduction

    -Specifically Designed for You

    -The protocol brings mind, body, spirit, together with whole being wellness practices.

  • Month 10- Re-Establish Work Life Balance

    -Calendar redesign with your new perspective

    -Re-Evaluate What Is Important

    -Soma Protocol Week 2

    -Deeper visioning, breathwork, activation, physical body movement, diet, and morning routine.

  • Month 11- Reinvest Your New Inspiration

    -Attention to your comfort zone

    -An inspiration filled path determined

    -Turn ideas and visions into an action plan

    -Heart Connection Meditation

    -Soma Protocol Week 3

  • Month 12- Fearlessly Walk Your Path

    -Completion of SOMA Protocol

    -Chris gives a special guided journey for the completion of the program.

    -”Fearlessly Walk Your Path” mindset

    -Deeper fulfillment & freedom assessment


SOMA Testimonials


Book a call with Chris.

If you are ready to learn more directly from Chris, book an Intro call on his calendar. The call is complementary.

  1. 15 Minute Introduction Call- Get acquainted and learn if the system is a good fit for you.. Whether just starting out or looking for the next unfoldment of your journey.

Get in touch…

Do you find yourself with questions but not quite ready for a free 15 minute call? Please ask any questions here and Chris will get back to you quickly.

-Much love!