The Worry Free Method

Quiet the mind, tune in & transform your life.

A Program By: Chris M Parker

Transformational Coach | Breathwork & Meditation Instructor

This program is an 8 week transformational coaching program that takes you from a state of worry, high stress and anxiety to a state of ease & calm, deeper connection, and newly discovered relationship perspective.

Want to Finally Be Free From Worry? Here’s how…

Have you ever wanted to release your worry and all the stress & anxiety that it causes, but you have no idea where to start or who to talk to about it?

If so, you aren’t alone.

I have been where you are. After creating a successful startup company with many employees, getting married, and having a daughter, I found myself with many reasons to worry all throughout my day.

My worry came from wanting to protect everyone that depends on me from anything bad happening.

The problem with becoming worry free is that most of us do not ALLOW ourselves to be worry free in the first place.

Makes sense, right?

How can we ever become worry free if we do not allow it? This creates an energetic block to letting go of the worry. Now your efforts to release worry have failed before they have begun.

What happens after that? We accept our worry as normal. The result of worry as the new normal is a constant state of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and low energy.

Luckily, I’ve discovered the solution to this problem….

To become worry free without eliminating all the things and relationships that cause it you need to:

  • Become the master of your ‘Monkey Mind’

  • Become aware of your body’s intelligence

  • Unlock the power of your intuition

  • Discover your relationship superpower

Those 4 points are a transformational process that takes you from a state of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm to a state of peaceful calm from which to operate.

A couple questions:

  1. Do you have to operate and make decisions from stress and anxiety?

  2. How great would it be to operate and make decisions from a peaceful calm state? How does it get any better than that?

Now obviously, that’s easier said than done, right?

You can’t become worry free without tons of effort, work, and struggle.

That’s why I’ve created this method to make things much easier.

The Worry Free Method.

If you’d like, let’s hop on a quick phone call together to see if my coaching system is right for you.

During that call, we’ll look at putting together a plan for you to begin to explore a worry free existence. We will look at what your best next steps would be if you decide to pursue this method.

Spots are limited, and there’s zero obligation to work with me, but if we do end up being a fit, I’ll invite you to become a client of mine and we can embark on your journey together. Look forward to speaking with you!

Even if you don’t book a call, I sincerely wish you well on your path!

Much Love,

Chris M Parker

Husband & Father | Transformational Coach | Breathwork & Meditation Instructor

What Makes this Method Different?

2 Ways To Experience

The Worry Free Method

Method Components

  • 1. Become the Master of Your Monkey Mind

    • Learn how to listen to your mind’s chatter in a way that keeps you calm.

    • Learn how to convert your mind from the ‘Boss’ to ‘employee’.

    • Learn how to be stress & anxiety free while your mind is off carrying out supercomputer things for you.

  • 2. Become Aware of Your Body’s Infinite Intelligence

    • Learn how to discover what your body is asking you for.

    • Learn how to turn your body’s intelligence into greater health and energy.

    • Learn how to use the body's intelligence to heal the body.

  • 3. Unlock & Unleash the Power of Your Intuition

    • Learn about your intuition and how to trust its guidance.

    • Learn how to identify your intuitive guidance giving you insights.

    • Learn how to implement your intuition in everyday life.

  • 4. Discover Your Relationship Superpower

    • Learn the power of listening with encouragement and how it will change your reality.

    • Learn how to be present in conversation and achieve deeper connections.

    • Learn how to unlock new possibilities by letting go of your mind, body, and intuition during conversations.

What are clients saying…

What You Will Get

  • 8 Weeks Group Coaching Program

  • 8 Group Calls Via Zoom

  • Two 1-Hour 1:1 Sessions with Chris

  • Guided Meditations & Breathwork for All Levels

  • Workbook

  • Private Support Group

  • Email Support

  • Recordings Provided

2 Ways To Experience

The Worry Free Method

Book a call with Chris.

If you are ready to learn more directly from Chris, book an Intro call on his calendar. The call is complementary.

  1. 15 Minute Introduction Call- Get acquainted and learn if this method is a good fit for you.

Get in touch…

Do you find yourself with questions but not quite ready for a free 15 minute call? Please ask any questions here and Chris will get back to you quickly.

-Much love!