Meet Your Coach…

Chris M Parker

A message from Chris...

"It is my mission in this life to be of service to others on their journey to realize themselves, their passions, and desires."

A message from Chris’s Mentor...

“Chris is always progressing, learning, and discovering on his own journey of expansion. When he works with clients, he weaves together all of his training and modalities for the highest good of the client.” 

Chris M Parker has been coaching and developing for 2 decades. He started in the restaurant industry as a Corporate Trainer and Manager.

Chris bridged that experience into the electric vehicle business where he cultivated college graduates as they learned how to navigate providing fun experiences for families. 

Chris discovered that life is not all about “work” as he was programmed to think about it. A deeper sense of meaning and life purpose became clear by connecting with himself in a way he had never been taught. Trusting his own inner knowing led him to advanced training in the following modalities:

  • SOMA Breath Transformational Coach

  • iConscious Model Coach

  • Wellness Coach

  • Emotional Intelligence Coach

  • Master Reiki Healer

  • Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator

Core Values

Chris's core values are the foundation of his offerings and style of facilitating space for his clients. He charges all of his sessions and programs with his values.


When we are grateful for what we have, we are attracting more abundance in all areas of life.

Love & Compassion

Love & compassion for yourself will also serve those around you. When we feel for others and act on urges to help others, we feed our soul.


Joy is everywhere if we take the time to recognize it. Chris will help you to notice the things that usually get missed.


When we laugh, we have a direct line into our hearts. How great do you feel when you laugh!

A Story…

Sedona Trail.jpg

The accelerated path of personal growth & development became possible for me when I got sober. With a clear head, I stopped fighting and surrendered to something greater than myself. Finally, I was able to see that my own intuition was ready to guide my way. No longer was I bound by my very limited ego running the show and thinking it was doing a great job!

The first time I remember acting on my inner guidance was taking a leap to go work for a risky startup business. The owner and I built the company from the ground up. Every day was an adventure of creation. I wondered how I could have missed this fulfillment for so long. Work and play were no longer two separate things for me and I am so grateful this owner I call a friend allowed me the space to realize creativity and grow. When I am creating from the heart and helping others, I am home.

A few years later, I found myself watching an obscure video that was explaining the different levels of consciousness. I was mesmerized by the content. It was hitting me right in the heart. I didn’t know at the time, but this was my first experience with synchronicity. The next phase of my journey was born.

I started reading every book I could get my hands on about present moment, awareness, and meditation. Let me tell you, it’s not easy to start talking about these concepts with your friends, family, and co-workers all of the sudden. They were either looking at me like I had 3 heads, or they were changing the subject pretty quick. I still pushed on because I knew I was in the right place.

I reached a point where reading books and knowing concepts from a theoretical standpoint wasn’t enough. It was time to start experiencing in real life. Experience is where true learning and growth takes place.

I did not know where to begin to experience! Then one day I was digging into an old computer file from 5 years in the past. It contained some messages from an intuitive family friend I received right after my mom died. She told me that I should explore my spiritual side and that I was a teacher, maybe start with some Reiki classes. A wave of butterflies and tingling rushed through my body as I read this as if it were written for me right at that moment. This was guidance! I smiled and laughed as I knew I was experiencing synchronicity (a nudge from the universe in alignment with our place on our path).

What’s next? Find a Reiki instructor. At this point, fear set in. “Uh oh, I’m going to have to actually talk to someone else in person about this stuff?” Doing something out of my comfort zone and meeting new people was definitely scary, but I knew this was the next step.

Over the course of the next year, I followed every lead that came my way when it came to meeting new people, taking classes, and experiencing healing. My first teacher led me through Reiki levels I, II, and Master. She also guided me through a Mastering Your Intuition program that really opened me up. Concurrently, I fell in love with Access Bars (getting your bars run). As an Access Bars Facilitator, I enjoy raising awareness and helping to clear that which doesn’t serve my clients any longer.

These experiences taught me to always follow my inner guidance whenever I felt it come up no matter how scary it is. Next was treating myself to a trip to Sedona where I would work with a Shaman on the red rocks. I also would meet my next teacher and mentor accidently while booking a massage. It is so true that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Next came education in life coaching, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), and emotional intelligence. By asking questions and observing a combination of verbal and non verbal cues from my clients, I am able to recognize and point out deep engrained patterns that may be holding them back. It is during this process my clients find their own inner guidance. Releasing fear and choosing inner guidance makes the impossible possible.

Now the vision of what I was doing was getting more clear. I was assembling the pieces of a puzzle. This puzzle would become Chris M Parker Wellness. The third pillar would be meditation. Meditation is a passion of mine. Up to this point in my life I always looked for answers outside of myself. When I asked others what they thought of my next idea and acted according to their opinion, I would give away all my power thus shoving my inner guidance down. My realization that I can go inward for answers was life changing.

My quest of going inside for answers lead me to a breathwork mediation called SOMA Breath. SOMA combines rythmic breathing, brief intermittent hypoxia, and music beats. The result is an experience that can be compared to that of plant medicine but by natural means. Becoming a Master SOMA Breath Instructor became the 4th pillar.

Soon to become fixtures in my practice would be a certification in the iConscious model of human expansion and coaching. This model is a much wider view of human growth through the domains of consciousness, uniqueness, mental, emotional, and body. Whole being wellness and development is the cornerstone of this model of coaching.

Let’s Get Connected

I welcome any and all questions. Questions are one of my favorite things. When we live in the question, we are open to receive the unimaginable.

Get in touch…

Do you find yourself with questions but not quite ready for a free 15 minute call? Please ask any questions here and Chris will get back to you quickly.

-Much love!