SOMA Breath Therapy Protocols

5 Week Program

Whole Being Wellness

Chris applies the powerful benefits of SOMA to the coaching relationship. Breath therapy will be individually prescribed & tailored to your specific needs, wants, interests, and desires. 

Each week will be a progressive emersion into breathwork, vision, body movement, dietary recommendations, and daily routine guidance.

  • Physical ailments

  • Emotional release

  • Energy coherence

  • Trauma release

  • Connection with passion

  • Connection with authentic self

  • Connection with higher self

  • Rapid growth

  • Rapid transformation

  • SOMA Breathwork

    All you have to do is press play with headphones on, breathe in beats, connect to yourself, and relax. You will practice ancient pranayama breathing techniques with a modern twist to activate your inner pharmacy.

  • One on One Coaching

    Chris provides a safe place during these sessions for self exploration, release, growth, and transformation. You will find deep listening and support in abundance as you walk your path in this system.

  • SOMA Breath Therapy

    During 4 of the 12 Weeks, you will focus on whole being wellness. After and energy assessment, a protocol is prescribed which includes: breathing, visioning, sleep, dietary recommendations, movement, and stretching.

  • Emotional Release

    This powerful technique is used in the one on one sessions. As emotional blocks, patterns, addictions, and habits that no loger serve you are identified, Chris will lead you through a process to release them. Then you will fill that space with new patterns that serve you.


SOMA Testimonials


Book a call with Chris.

If you are ready to learn more directly from Chris, book an Intro call on his calendar. The call is complementary.

  1. 15 Minute Introduction Call- Get acquainted and learn if the system is a food fit for you.. Whether just starting out or looking for the next unfoldment of your journey.

Get in touch…

Do you find yourself with questions but not quite ready for a free 15 minute call? Please ask any questions here and Chris will get back to you quickly.

-Much love!