iConscious Coaching

Accelerating Human Potential

The iConscious Model of Coaching focuses on whole being development in 5 key domains

  • Consciousness

  • Uniqueness 

  • Emotions

  • Mind

  • Body

The idea of whole being development is that your will elevate in all of these domains at the same time. Should just one of these areas lag behind, and it will hold the other 4 back.

iConscious Coaching Process

  • Take the online Assessment

  • Refine results with Chris

  • Identify which of your 5 domains you wish to initiate growth to start

  • Use coaching sessions to inspire new insight & development around all 5 of your domains

  • Complete practices and observation between sessions


Chris M Parker

"The iConscious Model is a treasure trove of wisdom that accelerates both my own personal growth & that of my clients. I knew this model needed to be learned and shared with those that choose to explore it. There is so much to explore and play with!"

-Chris Parker, iConscious Coach

This modality of coaching is right for you if:

  • You are ready to go deeper into your perception of self.

  • You are ready to find out which aspects of your growth need the most attention.

  • You are ready to reach your highest potential.

  • You are ready to catalyze personal and professional development.

  • You are ready to make living your personal and professional potential your new normal.

  • You are ready for a fully embodied journey from a sense of separateness to awakened unity.

Get in touch…

Do you find yourself with questions but not quite ready for a free 15 minute call? Please ask any questions here and Chris will get back to you quickly.

-Much love!