Soulful Sobriety- 6 Month Laser Coaching (Unlimited)


Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

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Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Full Pay Option

Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Full Pay Option


Unlimited Soulful Sobriety Laser Coaching Sessions


15-Minute Power & Accountability Sessions


- Accountability on your Sobriety Journey

- Short check-ins progress calls that are designed to be stress free and no drain on your time.

- It is up to you how many of these sessions get used. The power is yours to take.

Crave Control: Mastering Mindfulness for Lasting Sobriety


Learn effective strategies and tools to manage cravings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Through mindfulness techniques, you'll be able to observe and let go of cravings, identify triggers, and create a plan to avoid or handle them.


1. Overcome cravings and gain control over addictive behaviors.

2. Develop healthier coping mechanisms to replace addiction.

3. Feel empowered and confident in your ability to resist temptations.

Emotional Freedom: Thriving Beyond Addiction


Discover stress management techniques and emotional regulation strategies to navigate the pressures and triggers of daily life. Learn deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and personalized self-care routines to prioritize emotional well-being.


1. Reduce stress and prevent relapse triggers from overwhelming you.

2. Develop healthy coping mechanisms to handle emotions in a constructive way.

3. Cultivate emotional resilience and create a more balanced lifestyle.

Connected Souls: Finding Strength in Community


Join a lifetime social media group where you can connect with like-minded individuals who understand your journey and offer support without judgment. Build a strong support network, share experiences, and receive guidance from others who have overcome addiction.


1. Overcome isolation and find a community that understands and accepts you.

2. Receive encouragement and motivation from individuals who have walked a similar path.

3. Access a safe space to share struggles and seek advice from a supportive network.

Soul Path: Unleash Your Purpose and Passion


Uncover your personal values and passions through self-exploration exercises. Discover activities, hobbies, and pursuits that align with your authentic self, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Receive guidance in setting meaningful goals and creating a vision for your future.


1. Find purpose and meaning beyond addiction, creating a fulfilling life.

2. Identify your true passions and values, allowing for personal growth and self-discovery.

3. Develop a clear direction and goal to prevent falling back into old patterns.

Soulful Empowerment: Unlocking Your True Potential


Work with a coach who understands the challenges of early recovery and offers guidance and support throughout your journey. Cultivate authenticity, empower yourself, and embrace a new way of living, free from addiction.


1. Receive personalized coaching and support tailored to your unique journey.

2. Unlock your true potential and lead a life full of personal growth and self-discovery.

3. Gain confidence and determination to create a meaningful life beyond addiction.


Visualizing Your Limitless Life Breathwork Journey


This guided visualization breathwork journey will take you on transformative journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. Immerse yourself in these guided visualizations to tap into your inner wisdom, overcome challenges, and manifest your desires. Experience the power of visualization on your journey to sobriety.


- Tap into your inner wisdom and gain insights through guided visualizations.

- Overcome challenges and develop resilience through visualization.

- Manifest your desires and create positive change in your life.