Soulful Sobriety- 6 Month Group Coaching Program (Payment Plan)


Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

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Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Full Pay Option

Discover How You Can Work With Me To Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle on the Path to Long Term Sobriety and Self-Discovery!

Full Pay Option


Soulful Sobriety Group Sessions


Experience live virtual teachings and access to recorded sessions on a weekly basis, providing you with valuable insights and knowledge to embrace self-discovery on your path to freedom.


- Gain wisdom and guidance from experienced coaches in the field of sobriety and personal growth.

- Learn effective strategies and tools to overcome cravings, manage triggers, and navigate post-recovery challenges.

- Access recorded sessions for flexibility and convenience, allowing you to revisit teachings at your own pace.

Interactive Group Sessions


Engage in small group sessions with Q&A opportunities on a weekly basis, fostering connection and interaction with like-minded individuals on a similar journey.


- Receive personalized support and guidance from coaches who understand the challenges of early recovery.

- Connect with a supportive community, providing a sense of belonging and understanding.

- Gain insights and perspectives from group discussions and Q&A sessions, enhancing your personal growth and self-discovery.

Lifelong Community


Join a dedicated social media group that offers a lifetime of connection, support, and inspiration from individuals who have embarked on the path to sobriety and personal growth.


- Build a strong support network of individuals who understand and relate to your experiences.

- Receive ongoing encouragement and accountability to maintain long-term sobriety.

- Share and gain insights, resources, and inspiration in a safe and non-judgmental community.

Personalized Support


Benefit from email support throughout the program, providing you with guidance, encouragement, and accountability on your journey to sobriety and self-discovery.


- Receive individualized attention and support from coaches who are committed to your success.

- Have a trusted ally to turn to for guidance, motivation, and reassurance during challenging times.

- Feel supported and empowered as you navigate the ups and downs of your sobriety journey.

Transformational Resources


Access a variety of transformational resources, including self-reflection worksheets, visualization techniques, meditation practices, and breathwork instruction, to enhance your self-discovery and personal growth.


- Explore and process underlying emotional issues that contributed to addiction through self-reflection worksheets.

- Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness through visualization and meditation practices.

- Learn breathwork techniques to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and promote overall well-being.


Visualizing Your Limitless Life Breathwork Journey


This guided visualization breathwork journey will take you on transformative journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. Immerse yourself in these guided visualizations to tap into your inner wisdom, overcome challenges, and manifest your desires. Experience the power of visualization on your journey to sobriety.


- Tap into your inner wisdom and gain insights through guided visualizations.

- Overcome challenges and develop resilience through visualization.

- Manifest your desires and create positive change in your life.

Life Purpose Coaching Session


Gain clarity on your life purpose and create a roadmap for a purposeful life. This coaching session will guide you in identifying your passions, strengths, and values, helping you align them with meaningful goals. Discover your life purpose and unlock your true potential on the journey to sobriety.


- Gain clarity on your life purpose and create a vision for your future.

- Identify your passions, strengths, and values for a purposeful life.

- Unlock your true potential and live a fulfilling life aligned with your authentic self.

Emotional Healing Toolbox


Understanding and addressing the underlying emotional issues is essential for lasting recovery. This toolbox provides therapeutic techniques, self-reflection exercises, and resources for emotional healing. With this toolbox, you'll develop self-awareness, heal from past traumas, and learn healthier coping mechanisms.


- Explore and process underlying emotional issues in a safe environment.

- Practice self-reflection and self-compassion for emotional healing.

- Emotional Release Technique with Chris throughout the program.